Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Saint Anthony and such

Oh Tejas...how I will miss your lovely tex-mex. I will not, however, miss your blazing heat and overwhelming population of overly tanned leprechauns. Or the traffic. I did love the way the trees all looked like they were fighting their way towards the sky for any drop of moister they could grab. I loved the gnarled branches with so much attitude and grit...you could almost feel the hostile stubborn glares rolling off of those cranky trees screaming "FUCK YOU, we aren't going ANYWHERE" and we are alive. (aren't we) All of us. I loved the visit but couldn't wait to get home to my home.

My Eden is teething something fierce. She has 2.5 teeth now. She is about to start walking, and her favorite response to no is "Ohhhh," (grin) keep fucking with whatever it was that started the chain of said events. I am like slap silly stupid in love with her. How in the world are you supposed to discipline a kid that ohhhhs your noooos and the flashes a little dimpled grin. It's just too much.

Randy and I already put in our wish list for when we leave here, and we put for CONUS: Fort Lewis, WA- Fort Carson, CO- Fort Leonardwood, MO- and OCONUS: Hawaii, Alaska, and Germany. I'm rooting for Ft Lewis and Germany. Time will tell I suppose.

Mandy, you should call me tomorrow. I miss you. and I need to talk to my Michigan UND biotch. Yeah I said it. I heart your face. <3

Friday, February 18, 2011

11 days and a wake up

Eden and I are getting ready to roll out to Texas for the month of March! How exciting! I really hope she does well on the flights. I am very interested in seeing how my husband will do without me. I have never been the one doing the leaving. I predict my house will be in shambles, with McDonalds cups everywhere, mounds of Jackson Sand, and skanky Acu's. He has already informed me that he will turn my couch into his command station, and only venture to the second floor for the occasional shower. Lord help me (him). Saint Anthony here we come!

I adore the Kindle. I wound up buying a leather cover for it, as I am clumsy and would be really mad at myself if I dropped my new toy and broke it. It is a festive green, and has a built in reading light. The cool thing is the Kindle actually plugs into the binding and that is what the light is powered off of. I just got finished reading the Stieg Larsson series and really enjoyed it. I have come to the conclusion that I could never live in Sweden due to the ultra liberal government and the weird eating habits. (Cheese and marmalade sandwiches and fish casserole from a 7/11 does not sound like my idea of a good time.) Lisabeth Salander, the main character, is a badass.
My favorite book in the series was the last one. "The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets Nest"

Eden is into everything! I was cleaning her bathroom yesterday and i could hear her playing with the door stop. I walked around the corner and she was laying on her belly sucking on it! She is such a little freak. And she's fast! She loves cords and wires, and she loves to stand with her hands planted firmly on the ground in front of her, like a bridge. I love that crazy girl of mine. Speaking of which, she is requiring my attention right now....writing this has deprived her of her Mommy time I suppose! :D Have a fabulous day!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." Arthur C. Clarke

I'm getting my Kindle tomorrow! I'm so excited! I admit all of these new fangled contraptions scare the hell out of me, but a kindle is too cool to pass up! With the hours Randy will be working, a Kindle is right up my alley! (Besides my absolute love of reading of course!) A million free book titles, 90 second download time, one month charge life....hello lover!

Speaking of technology, have you seen that creeptastic new coffee pot? It's a robot! Oh no mm mm!
I could just imagine waking up in the middle of the night and having this bad boy holding a knife to my throat asking for my credit card!

My how times have changed. I'm scared to see what they are going to come up with next!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

"Truth is a Rare thing, it is Delightful to Tell it" -Emily Dickinson

That being said, Michelle Obama will grace Fort Jackson with her presence tomorrow to congratulate the newest members of the Army, and touch on childhood obesity? Really? Because this is the perfect platform for her to discuss chunky children. At an Army Graduation. Huh. She knows nothing about the Army way of life, or of the sacrifices we make on a daily basis. I bet she doesn't know that even after a deployment we are below the poverty line. I'm just DYING to hear her "Truth".

Is it wrong that when he told me  she was going to be here, all I heard him say was that he was going to be here? Wishful thinking  maybe, but at least I dream big! 

I seriously heard Gerard somehow. I have developed quite a sick obsession with him lately, rivaling the notorious Slim Shady Saga of 2001/02! GASP! Be afraid!

Back to the subject at hand, since I have clearly lost my way! Michelle Obama will be here in mere hours. Randy and the others are angry because of the security measures being taken. They are actually running a check on him before they let him on the field...he worked for Bush on multiple occasions and never had that headache! Politicians are bad. And Randy said it would be like if a Generals Wife came. Who the fuck CARES. I am not interested in her politickin'. However, I would LOVE to know what words of WISDOM the wise one has for these new soldiers. Gag. Me. With. A. Pitchfork. 

Or, he can. It's whatever!

Monday, January 24, 2011

You know....we made the Und look good.

Hi Kids....we have an issue that requires urgent attention. The subject matter is a young man who will go unnamed, for very obvious reasons (the boy has lost his damn mind). My bff Melkins, is having some problems yet again, with aN internet "friend" stalking her. Alas, he can't be handle properly because he is, in fact, on the goddamn fucking INTERNET. IE: fake...NOT REAL! Internet friends are easily made, and just as easily discarded. They dont really count in the scheme of things.

Although my Melkins is dear to me, she seems to have one great fault. She can attract a psychopath in real life as easily as on the web. They are drawn to her like flies to honey. I have tried to warn my dear Melkins, because I fear this particular creep will hop a greyhound and propose yet again, while thinking that he would recieve better results in person. However, young sir, all this will bring you a big fat RESTRAINING ORDER. How soon we forget, My Melkins is a PoPo in Training. Word? Word.

Just because you say you are a member of the Church of Melkins, doesn't mean you are automatically VIP. You have to work up to VIP, and you are a little too squirelly for all of that. You need to chill on the creepiness. What you have to understand, is your nothing special. Nothing she hasn't seen before. Proposal? Can you be anymore generic? You think your the first? Do you actually think you'll be the last? Please, take a fucking number and get a clue. I'm saying she isn't intentionally toying with you...you just have to know Mandy. And obviously you don't. You are taking cyber friend, and trying to turn it into an episode of the Young and the Restless. To her, you are just someone to talk to when its convinient. Your friendship is not necessary, and is becoming quite burdensome.

In closing, to an extent I know how you feel. She is a wonderful person, and is an even better friend. She is one of the most fabulous people I know...but she doesn't need or deserve the drama. She has been nothing but kind to you, and she isn't going to try to work to keep your friendship. Its either there or its not. Internet friends are easily decieved...and if she says she is going to bed, and just doesn't feel like talking, don't fucking check up on her. Its not your business. Maybe she wants to take a break from Cyberspace to go fuck her HUSBAND.


Sunday, January 23, 2011

A Love Letter To My Eden

I am so madly in love with my daughter. Deep and pure and unconditional. I cannot believe that I grew this beautiful, perfect, flawless creature inside me, and birthed her from my loins. Birth is a dirty business, one that I was not fully prepared for (who is?) and it was the hardest most fabulous thing I have ever done. The most fulfilling pain. She is such a miracle! Every time I look at her I smile. Without fail. She is such an awesome kid!!

She has two little teeth, and crinkles her nose when she smiles. When she was christened and the priest did the exorcism prayer she puked all over her antique Christening gown. (definitely my child) She will look up at you all cute and then attack! She drew blood the other day! (Why the hell am I proud of that?) Eden has a fierce temper and when she wants it she wants it yesterday. She laughs ALOT...and is fearless. Every time she sees a puppy she tries to eat it. Her hair is a mess, and she snores, just like me. She also smacks in her sleep like her daddy!

When she gets mad she looks just like her Dad. I'm so glad I love that man...if we weren't together that would get on my nerves...alot. My Eden is the coolest kid I know, and I stay up nights planning for the..future. I have so many hopes and dreams for her already. I hope she is a romantic like me, with street smarts like her Daddy. I never want her to experience a broken heart, but I hope I raise her with confidence and self respect. I pray she is brave, and will dream big, and dance, take chances... I want her to be independent, and kind, and smart, and loyal and Happy. Above all else, I want her to be happy.

My beautiful miracle girl...you will never know how much you are loved... I want you to know that all the heartache and waiting was so worth it, and I am so lucky that you chose me to be your Mom. You are my sunshine little girl, and the best thing I have ever done.

First Wives Club

Ninety Five Percent of my friends are members of the first wives club. I have been thinking about it alot lately, and here is why. One of my friends from Fort Bragg knows that her husband is having an affair, and chooses to ignore it and act as if nothing is wrong. He has an impending deployment, and she is leaving ahead of him and moving her kids to his native Panama for the year. She is obviously NOT a member of the First Wives Club. 

Those of us that are card carrying members would never put up with that shit. I really think going through a divorce puts everything in perspective. It helps you realize that you can make it without a man, and it helps you know your self worth. (Hopefully) So that you don't have to go through that heartache ever again.  Kids or not, is it really worth staying in a shell of a marriage for the kids? Is that what you want them to think a healthy relationship looks like? It's selfish.

As a First Wife you know what you expect in a mate, what is acceptable and what is unforgivable. I feel bad for these once married women, and a little jealous. They will never know the heartache of a First Wife, but they are also missing out on the freedom you get after a divorce to find out who you are. If you were married before you were 25, you weren't old enough and experienced enough to make an educated decision on the right mate.

I guess her letting the Mister fuck around on her bothers me most because she doesn't have the balls to do something about it. Maybe I think it makes her weak. Maybe I wish when I was a first wife I had toughed it out. But mostly I am damn proud of myself for being strong enough to leave.